The government of Odisha has launched the Krushak Assistance for Livelihood and Income Augmentation (KALIA) scheme, which would benefit about 92% of the farmers in the State. The government has earmarked Rs 10,180 Crore for KALIA in 3 years. The scheme will provide financial, livelihood, cultivation support along with insurance support to small, marginal and the landless farmers.
ALSO READ: Info service for KALIA beneficiaries
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on KALIA scheme
Q.1 What is KALIA Scheme?
KALIA scheme is a package for farmers' welfare. KALIA stands for “Krushak Assistance for Livelihood and Income Augmentation”. This scheme has been launched to accelerate agricultural prosperity and elimination of poverty.
Q.2 Who is eligible to get benefit under KALIA Scheme?
All small and marginal farmers along with landless agricultural households, vulnerable agricultural household, landless agricultural labourers and sharecroppers/actual cultivators are eligible under different components of KALIA.
Q.3 Who is a small and marginal farmer?
A small farmer is a cultivator who owns 2.5 acres to 5 acres of arable land. A marginal farmer is one who owns less than 2,5 acres of arable land.
Q.4 What are the benefits available to cultivators for cultivation under KALIA scheme?
Financial aid of Rs.25,000 per farm family over five seasons will be provided to small and marginal farmers so that they can purchase seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and use assistance towards labour. This scheme has come into effect from the ongoing (2018-19) Rabi season.
Q.5 Is there any benefit for the landless agricultural household?
Yes, Financial assistance of Rs 12500/ will be provided to each landless agricultural household for agricultural allied activities such as goat rearing, small layer poultry units, duckery units, fishery kits for fishermen, mushroom cultivation, bee-keeping and so on.
READ: Draft KALIA beneficiary list released
Q.6 Is there any scope for financial aid to the vulnerable agricultural household?
Yes, the vulnerable cultivators/landless agricultural laborers will get financial assistance of Rs 10,000 per family per year to enable them to take care of their sustenance. The cultivator/landless agricultural laborers who are in old age, having disability/ disease and are vulnerable for any other reason will benefit from the scheme. Five lakh families will be covered every year.
Q.7 Is there any life insurance support to cultivators and landless agricultural labourers?
1) Life insurance cover of Rs 2 lakh at a very nominal premium of Rs330 will be provided to all savings bank account holder of age between 18-50 years. Government of Odisha will bear farmers’ share of annual premium of Rs.165.
2) Personal accident cover of Rs.2.00 lakh at a very nominal annual premium of Rs 12 for all savings bank account holder aged between 18-50 years. Out of Rs 12 towards premium, Rs 6 is the farmers’ share, which will be borne by the government of Odisha.
3) In respect of the above beneficiary whose age is between 51-70 years, the entire amount of Rs 12 towards annual premium will be borne by the government.
READ: Kalia form shortage angers farmers
Q.8 Is there any provision for providing interest-free crop loan to farmers under KALIA scheme?
Ans. Yes, Crop loan up to Rs 50,000 will be provided at 0% interest from the Khariff Season of the year 2019.
Q.9. Who is eligible to get the benefits under KALIA Scheme?
1) Small and Marginal Farmers are eligible to get benefit under support to cultivators for cultivation.
2) Landless agricultural households are eligible to get livelihood support under the scheme.
3) Vulnerable agricultural household covering vulnerable cultivators/landless agricultural labourers are eligible to get financial assistance under the KALIA scheme.
4) Life Insurance Support to cultivators and Landless agricultural labourers as well as the interest free crop loan component are meant for all category of beneficiary under KALIA scheme.
Q.10 What is a Farm Family?
A farm family constitutes a farmer and his/her spouse along with their dependent children.
Any farmer wanting to get information on KALIA scheme can register for 'Kalia Barta' by giving a missed call to the Telephone No: 08061174222.
The farmer will automatically get registered with the Government database. All information about KALIA scheme will also be sent to his phone number through SMS and voice calls from time to time.
More Details: KALIA Yojana
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