Senior Biju Janata Dal leader and Lok Sabha member Ladu Kishore Swain passed away yesterday night while undergoing a treatment at a private hospital in Bhubaneswar. He was 71.
Mr Swain, who represented Odishas Aska Lok Sabha constituency, was suffering from kidney-related ailments. He breathed his last late Tuesday night at the Apollo Hospital, where he was being treated after he complained of uneasiness in breathing. Mr Swain is survived by wife, two sons and a daughter.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Ram Nath Kovind have expressed grief over his death.
"Anguished by the passing away of Lok Sabha MP from Aska, Odisha, Shri Ladu Kishore Swain Ji. He will be remembered for his rich service to society. His work towards rural development was noteworthy. Spoke to his son Nachiketa and expressed condolences," he tweeted.
Mr Swain, who represented Odishas Aska Lok Sabha constituency, was suffering from kidney-related ailments. He breathed his last late Tuesday night at the Apollo Hospital, where he was being treated after he complained of uneasiness in breathing. Mr Swain is survived by wife, two sons and a daughter.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Ram Nath Kovind have expressed grief over his death.
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